
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented on 25th May 2018. The law aims to give citizens and customers more control over their personal information. To ensure compliance the following working practises will be followed.

During the booking of an appointment a name, address and contact number will be requested. It is polite to have a name, the address is essential if you want your chimney to be swept or a quotation for works and the phone number will be used to contact you if we are running late, struggling to find the property or in an emergency then need to reschedule/ cancel the appointment. Booking a chimney sweep or quotation for works therefore constitutes consent to that data.

Sweep Reference…

After a sweep you will be given a certificate of compliance along with a suggested appointment for next year in agreement to be contacted for an annual service which we will both sign. A copy will be left with you, the customer, and we will keep one as well.

At an agreed date we will either text or email you, this solely acts as a prompt to remind you your annual chimney sweep is due. At this point if a new sweep appointment is made consent is deemed to have been given to hold your data again. If after 3 months a sweep has not been scheduled your data will be deleted.

Installation Reference…

After an onsite inspection has been carried out a quotation will be emailed to you along with a text informing you its been sent to agreed email details. A copy will be left with you, the customer, and we will keep one as well.

At an agreed date we will either text or email you to get cofirmation of its receipt. This solely acts as a prompt agreed consent deemed to have been given to hold your data. If after 3 months installation works has not been scheduled to be carried out your data will be deleted.

Should at any point you wish for us to delete your data simply contact us…
Telephone – 01299 578410
Email –
And your data will be deleted within 24 hours if possible.

All data will be held electronically on a smartphone and tablet computer. Both of which will be either password or fingerprint protected.

In case of a data breach, or potential data breach, such as my smartphone or tablet being lost or stolen, I will inform all whose data I hold as soon as possible.